:: Edgeliving: Master Jim and slave marsha ::A periodic account of edgeliving as practiced by Master Jim and slave marsha, including their thoughts on M/s relationships and a calendar of their speaking engagements | |
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:: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 :: How in the World Did *This* Happen?
If there is anyone who could will His way into reincarnation in chosen form, it would surely be Master Jim...grin...
i think your comments bring up a very big elephant in the living room that often gets ignored in polite discussion- that of the romanticism of slavery. Fictional exposure to slavery is generally the first that newcomers to service experience. With the notable exception a few writers, it is often full of cliches, most of them centering on heterosexual male dominants wooing -and then subduing- lovestricken females. The damsel in distress captured by the handsome pirate is a typical example. Later, of course, you read more, and learn more, but it can be hard to shake that first romantic vision of slavery stemming mainly from power exerted from the depths of true love. i believe that the chances of finding the right person to serve are slim enough as it is, and like you, i fully believe that the right person is not necessarily going to be one who is sexually compatible or in love with you. In fact, the chances of either or both are probably quite slim. i know that i have battled that very notion, although i think my personal daydreams of romantic love for my master exist for a different reason. i am not ready to forever surrender the notion of a romantic love, but at the same time, i know that i am not the sort of person who would be capable of sustaining devoted slavery to one, and a love-based partnership with another (assuming it would even be permitted). i simply cannot imagine having to parse out equally intense but vastly different emotional committments to two different people at once. The thought of it is terribly intimidating. i would say that the continuing hope/need/desire i have for romantic love is probably one of -if not the- biggest obstacles in my path to pursuing slavery and service with an unwavering committment. The trite answer is, of course, that it will happen if you want it badly enough. Which of course, leaves me with the unsettling possibility that i don't- something that feels like failure, and which i don't want to admit just yet. (And yes, i know it isn't really failure, but it's hard to suppress that feeling.) Well, i've rambled on and on, but this topic is both clinically interesting and personally close to heart for me. And i'm glad Master Jim and yourself have turned on the comments. smile
I just found this blog due to you both giving a talk on BRC next tuesday. Although I will not be attending it, I came to check this out. M/s relationships have been part of my life for many yrs now. Although this topic has hit home with me in more ways.
I was a slave to one man for many yrs. Due to reasons beyond my control I was released. During that time, I found it hard to be slave again until a few yrs ago. Before I met him I had issues with sex, although I thought I knew why. This relationship was to be built on service, not sex at first. After a while, it turned out to be more sex, and my issues with sex became a huge problem. I started to feel like a failure in my submission, cause I had a hard time dealing with how much sex he wanted from me. It seemed that the service wasnt what it was about anymore as long as I performed sex when he wanted. In Nov of last yr I ended up in the hospital, in CCU it about killed me, and for some reason it woke me up at the same time. After spending four days on my death bed, and another five days in a medical induced coma, I came to and slowly understood what I was lacking in the relationship. After my release from the hospital a week later, I returned home to my then Master. I couldnt perform sexually due to problems while in the hospital. At first it wasnt to bad, although when it started to become sexual again I had real issues with it. Master wouldnt let me do anything in the house, although he would let me give him sex, which he knew I had problems with. A few months later *and still recovering I might add* I couldnt handle it anymore. So I asked for my freedom. Since then I have found that its not all sexual with me its more service. I own a male slave, which he has been mine for three yrs now. To this day, we have never had sex. I am not gay, neither is he. Although he understood what was going to be expected of him when I took him. He knew it was going to be a non sexual relationship from the start. I think if and when I ever submit again I might just find someone who is Gay *male wise that is* Someone who understands what a Master/slave relationship is about. Well maybe not, although I will make it very clear that its about service. I have been submissive to another and was very happy *I was not collared to him ever* Although during my time with him we never had *sex* To this day, he has my respect and though I am not submissive anymore I still give him the respect in which I feel he deserves. Thank you so much for posting this, I just wish it had come alot sooner for me. Wishing you both well
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i'm so sorry to hear of your difficulties. i don't know that i have any answers for you except to say that you are not alone. However alone you may feel, however lost, there are other Masters and slaves out there who understand what you feel. i can understand your thoughts on leaving the community all together. i hope you don't, because i think you have a great deal to contribute. But if you do, please know that we'll be here waiting for you, if you choose to return. It's difficult for me to really understand how you're doing from an email, but please... take care of yourself and get any help you need. There are lifestyle friendly counselors in San Francisco and M/s groups as well that might help you with your grief and healing. Please don't hesitate to reach out. my thoughts are with you. In service, marsha slave to Master Jim
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