:: Edgeliving: Master Jim and slave marsha ::

A periodic account of edgeliving as practiced by Master Jim and slave marsha, including their thoughts on M/s relationships and a calendar of their speaking engagements
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:: Discuss Edgeliving

:: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 ::

Master Gloom and slave doom

“slave doom!”

“Yes, Sir Master Gloom, Sir.”

“slave doom, what do you see on the path ahead?”

“Sir, Master Gloom, Sir. i see a dark trail strewn with rocks and boulders, pitted with deep holes. The path is most treacherous, Sir, Master Gloom, Sir.”

“slave doom, can you see no light? Not even a dim beacon to help guide the way along the perilous path?”

“Sir, Master Gloom Sir. The only light i ever see is the brief flicker of a match when you light the very occasional cigar. A light that is quickly extinguished, Sir, Master Gloom, Sir.”

“slave doom, I must find a way to light the path.”

"Sir, Master Gloom, Sir. Perhaps Sir, you should smoke more cigars, Sir, Master Gloom, Sir.”


A dark and lonely path… a treacherous life-long journey… danger around every turn. In looking back through the posts on this website, I have come to the conclusion that Master Jim and slave marsha might be better known as Master Gloom and slave doom!

When this website was launched, I pledged that we would write honestly and openly about Mastery and slavery. An important part of being honest and open is not to ignore or minimize the difficulties one faces when choosing to walk the M/s path. Since there are so many problems and difficulties to choose from, it is very easy to focus on them when deciding on what to write. While there is no question that we must discuss problems, for it is the problems that will most likely end an M/s relationship, it is also important to celebrate this path and this way of life.

I am a Master and I own a slave. It is impossible to convey both the pride and the joy I feel when I write that statement. The fact of the matter is that even I, the Master and Owner of a slave, do not take time often enough to simply contemplate the rich meaning of that simple statement.

I am a Master and I own a slave. Amazing isn’t it? I own another human being who adores me, who serves me, who puts my will and desires over hers. In return, I offer ethical ownership, assume complete responsibility, and provide opportunities to serve. Together we are on an amazing journey, a journey filled with wonder and excitement. This website serves as reminder that there are many dangers along the way, but it is equally important to remember that more often than not, these dangers are far outweighed by the by a sense of contentment and fulfillment.

If I am to be open and honest and my M/s relationship on this website, it is important to tell you about another side to my M/s journey. That side is the enjoyment – the fun – that Mastery has brought into my life. I like being with slave marsha. I enjoy her company. We laugh, and have fun together. We ride Harleys. (Well, I ride a Harley and slave marsha is learning to ride on a Honda, but I overlook that.) We go out to dinner, we go to the movies, we watch DVDs (even some that are not porn), we go on non-leather trips and – gasp – we even go to Disney World and Las Vegas.

So despite all the problems that have been written about on this website and that we discuss in our leather presentations, our life as a Master and a slave is far from all gloom and doom. Maybe a better label for us would be “Master Occasional Gloom and slave partly doom.” But an even better label is simply this -- Master Jim and slave marsha. That is who we are. Two people who are trying our best to walk the M/s path even when it is not easy. Yes, there are and will be problems, but when the dealing’s done, there is more laugher than there are tears. Even more importantly, we are comfortable with who and what we are – a Master and a slave.

It is as simple and complex as that.

In leather,

Master Jim

:: 11:11 AM [+] ::
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