:: Edgeliving: Master Jim and slave marsha ::

A periodic account of edgeliving as practiced by Master Jim and slave marsha, including their thoughts on M/s relationships and a calendar of their speaking engagements
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:: Discuss Edgeliving

:: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 ::

On today's service...

Some days as a slave are definitely more exciting than others. Today is definitely not one of the exciting days for me.

All of our greatest M/s porn novels depict slaves doing wonderful, erotic stuff, on what seems like an hourly basis. The Owner is always there, to mete out appropriate praise or punishment or SM (all erotic, of course). Generally, great sex follows. Pretty exciting service. Pretty exciting life.

What service did i offer today? Basically, it boiled down to this: i found socks. Yes, socks. Not just any socks, though. The perfect socks. The socks my Owner loves above all others and has been looking for in vain. Let me tell you, these socks are not easy to find. i was thrilled. i bought 6 packages. Yes, slaves tend to overdo things from time to time.

Now, i'll admit -- my Owner was very happy that i found the socks and He told me so. Nevertheless, i regret to report that although i was delighted i found the socks in question, and He was delighted i found the socks in question, i did not experience any erotic reaction. In other words, no wetness ensued from this particular service. i will not be whipped (erotically or otherwise) as praise for this service. Nor do i expect great sex to follow from this service. (Of course, the fact that my Owner is gay and i'm a dyke gives a whole new twist to the role of sex in a Master/slave relationship.)

But this is what it really is like to serve. It's about the little things, about always looking for something that will make your Owner's life better. Maybe one day it's great socks. Maybe another day....

i always wonder about the slaves who say their every moment as a slave is drenched in eroticism, that they get wet/hard from everything they do. my personal favorite was the slave who claimed to orgasm from cleaning the toilet. i felt inadequate for days after hearing that, never having come close to orgasm from that particular activity. The reality of slavery is that maybe it starts out that everything is an erotic adventure, but eventually, you find that you're doing something like... buying socks... and *gasp* -- it just isn't erotic.

And that's okay.

Because really, at the bottom of it all, it's not about us as slaves and how erotic the service may make us feel. When it happens (and it does happen), it's a bonus. What living as a slaves is really about serving to the best of our ability. Whether or not we're praised. Whether or not the Owner is there to see. Whether or not SM or sex results.

No, my day wasn't very exciting. But tonight, before i go to sleep... i'll know that He has socks. Lots of socks. Because i served Him today.

And that will be enough.

--slave marsha

:: 8:42 PM [+] ::
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